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Solar Cart Kit for Classroom DIY Education
Our most popular solar powered car kit! Its easy to assemble, as well as affordable for the classroom! Its a great solar kit for your next solar derby project or upcoming science fair! Whether you are a student looking to test the power of solar electric, or a classroom teacher looking to integrate basic concepts of Ohm’s law this kit offers a solution for both! How Does it work? Solar Panel generates power (instantaneously), which is then used to directly power a DC low voltage motor. How long does it take to get setup?Each kit can be assembled within 15-30 minutes (depending on how many times you have assembled one of these kits :) How fast do they go? 60 mph….. Not really, this is my no means a race car :) The kits are designed to work under direct sunlight / party cloudy conditions. You will be happy with the speed of these solar car kits. Do you offer quantity discounts? Yes, we do offer quantity discounts, (see the quantity pricing above).